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"Bach, Baroque -- and Bonsai," Michael Levin's 1983 New York Times article about Leipzig in East Germany, written after his initial 1982 trip there with Anna and Hirsch, was a gateway to "Papers, Please: A Twentieth Century Odyssey," the 1200-page private digital source-book from which Two Pianos was drawn.  (That private site is now a public hub for all Papers Please activities.) The full text from the NY Times digital archive is here.





















Aryanization” in Leipzig:  Driven Out. Robbed.  Murdered. (Exhibit Catalogue; Leipzig City History Museum, 2009)


Berg, Mary, Warsaw Ghetto:  A Diary (L.B. Fischer, NY, 1945)


Bliven, Bruce, “Thank You, Hitler!” The New Republic (10 Nov. 1937)


Gold, Fran, "Survivor Recalls Ghetto," The Jewish Horizon, p. 12 (25 March 1993) (interview with Jola Hoffman)


Goldsmith, Martin, The Inextinguishable Symphony: A True Story of Music and Love in Nazi Germany (Wiley, NY, 2001) (intertwined with the history of the Kulturbund)


Lukas, Richard C., Out of the Inferno: Poles Remember the Holocaust (U. Kentucky press, 1989) (containing interviews with Zofia Rontaler and her sister-in-law, Krystyna Lipińska, Resistance figures later honored as "Righteous Gentiles" at Yad Vashem (Jerusalem) for helping save Halina and Jola in the Warsaw Ghetto)


Preil, Joseph J., ed., Holocaust Testimonies:  European Survivors and American Liberators in New Jersey (Rutgers Univ. Press, NJ, 2001)


For a more extensive bibliography, please visit our Papers Please website,

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